January 16, 2017 Regular Council Meeting

These are the Official Minutes for this meeting: 01-16-2017 Official Council Meeting Minutes
Video Recording of Meeting:  Video of Meeting

This is the agenda and supporting documents for the meeting as presented on 1-16-17:

CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Wells
APPROVAL OF MINUTES –  12-19-2016 Council Meeting Minutes



  1. Ferguson Boulevard Streetlights & Sidewalks – Jack Gatlin (representing Buck Walters)
    1. Voelker PLLC Notice 8-5-16
    2. Original Site Plan 6-2009
      1. mc-site-62209 6-22-09
      2. McCahride, LLC Site Plan 6-22-09
    3. As Built Drawing 9-2011
      1. mc-stie-52312 9-8-11
      2. McCahride, LLC As Built 9-8-11
    4. As Built Overview Drawing 9-2011 McCahride, LLC As Built (Overview) 9-8-11
  2. Re-visit failed motion from table 10-17-16 meeting (Ambulance Bid)
    1. Bid Opening Minutes
      1. Southeast Apparatus Bid
      2. Penn Care Bid
      3.  Taylor Made Ambulance Bid
      4. Speciality Truck Sales & Service
      5. Finley Fire Bid
    2. Ambulance Committee Recommendations
    3. Budgeted Amounts
      1. Budget Income
      2. Budget Debt Services (Expenses)
    4. Financing Option 1   Forcht Bank
    5. Financing Option 2   KLC Bonding


  1. Housing Authority Board Appointments
    1. 2017-01 Housing Authority Appointments
  2. Board of Adjustment Appointments
    1. 2017-02 Board of Adjustments Appointments
  3. Text Amendment A1 Conditional Use Change
    1. Application for Text Amendment A1 RV Campground
  4. Development on Ferguson Blvd
    • Development Proposal
    • Construct Roadway (To be Named)
    • Construct Water, Sewer, Gas, Streetlights, Sidewalks and Storm Drainage
    • Upgrade existing Old High School Lift Station Pumps to accommodate additional flow
  5. Proposed Ordinance 826-2017 Ferguson Blvd TIFF Creation
    1. Current TIFF Documents
      1. Dixie Taft TIFF Articles of Inc
      2. Dixie Taft TIFF Bylaws
      3. Dixie Taft TIFF Consent to Serve
      4. Dixie Taft TIFF Schedule of Use
      5. Dixie Taft TIFF Special Mtg 3-16-07
    2. Proposed Draft TIFF Ordinances
      1. TIF Ordinance A
      2. TIF Ordinance B
    3. Items to be included in TIFF
      • Design & Engineering
      • Construct Roadway (To be Named)
      • Construct Water, Sewer, Gas, Streetlights, Sidewalks and Storm Drainage
      • Upgrade existing Old High School Lift Station Pumps to accommodate additional flow
  6. Proposed Ordinance 827-2017 Occupational License (Discussion)
    1. GCFC Letter 1-3-17
    2. Bullock Pen Water District
      1. Bullock Pen 8-22-16
      2. Bullock Pen Response 8-24-16
    3. Discussion on who pays, exemptions and change penalty procedure
  7. Proposed Ordinance 828-2017 Business License (Discussion)
    1. Business License State Tax Rate Information
    2. Business Liscense State Letter 1-5-17
    3. KY Secretary of State Occupational Tax WebPage
    4. Sample Florence Annual Renewal Form
    5. Sample Florence Quarterly Occ Fee
    6. Florence WebPage