June 4, 2018 Regular Council Meeting

These are the Official Minutes for this meeting: Available after Approved
Video Recording of Meeting:  Video of Meeting

This is the agenda and supporting documents for the meeting as presented on 6-4-18:

CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Wells
APPROVAL OF AGENDA –   Agenda 6-4-18 PDF
APPROVAL OF MINUTES –  2018-05-21 Council Meeting Minutes



  1. 2nd Reading Ordinance 845-2018 FY 2017-18 Budget Amendment
    1. Ordinance 845-2018 2016-17 Budget Amendment
    2. 2017-2018 Budget Revised-Budget Summary
    3. 2017-2018 Budget Revised-General Budget
    4. 2017-2018 Budget Revised-Utilities Budget
    5. 2017-2018 Budget Revised-Road Aid Budget
  2. 2nd Reading Budget Ordinance 846-2018 FY 2018-19 Budget
    1. Ordinance 846-2018 – 2018-2019 Budget
    2. 2018-19 Budget Summary
    3. 2018-2019 Budget Planning-General Budget
    4. 2018-2019 Budget-Planning-Utilities
    5. 2018-2019 Budget Planning-Road Aid Budget
  3. 2nd Reading Ordinance 847-2018 Amendment to Nuisance Ordinance
    1. 847-2018 Nusiance Amendment
  4. 2nd Reading Ordinance 848-2018 Utility Services Procedures and Requirements
    1. 848-2018 Utility Services Procedures and Requirements


  1. Charlie Gordon to Address Council
  2. 2nd June Council Meeting